Do you know the reason why your name is your name? Is there a story behind it? Did your parents almost name you something else? Do you know where your name comes from? What does you name mean in that language? Please, add a comment and share all this information with your classmates.


  1. I was named Irene after my father's mum. My grandma got really happy, of course. I think I was lucky because I like this name. Thank God she wasn't called a weird name! My parents were very sure about it didn't bear any other possibility in mind. Irene comes from Greek and means "peace".

  2. My name was chosen by my sister and my father because they loved it. My parents before choosing Laura wanted to name me Raquel, Eva or Cristina. Laura comes from different origin. This origin are Greek and Latin and means “victorious”.

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  4. Hi, my name is daniel and the story of my name is this:
    My parents wanted to call me Sergio, but they had doubts. The doubts of how to call me were solved by a nurse, telling them that she had a son named daniel, they liked it and they put me Daniel. that's the story of my name.

  5. My name is Alicia because the day I was born, my mother dreamed of that name. My father liked another name and it was the one that like they were going to call me at first but they threw it to luck and won Alicia. The origen of this name is Greek and means "truth".

  6. My name is Tania becouse my parents liked this name. My mother was watching Tv and she heard about that name and she liked it a lot. The origen of my name is russian.

  7. The day of my birth, my mother did not yet know what to wear, I was undecided. My aunt liked Rebecca, and my mother seemed a pretty name, so they called me that. In spanish it means jacket, and for my friends it is fun to laugh with the name. Rebecca is a Hebrew name.

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  9. Hello, my name is Sara, My parents chose this name because they liked it.
    They also thought about other names such as Lara or Jara, but finally they named me Sara.
    My name has Hebrew origin and it means "Princess".

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  11. At first, my parents wanted to named me David, but when my father was in the military service he met someone whose name was Héctor, he liked it and my mother liked it too, so they decided to named me Héctor. Héctor comes from Greek and means "restrain".

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  13. My name was chosen by my father because he likes football very much and Raúl González was his favourite player in the Real Madrid. It was the only name thought for me. My name comes from germany and its meaning is “courage”.

  14. My parents chose my name because they wanted a short name like my sister's. They had not thought of another name so they had it easy to choose. The meaning of Sara is "princess" and is a name of Hebrew origin.

  15. Good afternoon!

    The history of my name is....

    My name is Alicia, I was born in 9 the May of 1994.
    My father and mother could choose this name because It´s very old. In my town, There are very litle name´s the person of Alicia. They prefer this name more that other name so Lourdes, María or Carmen.
    The meaning of Alicia is the origin Greek and mean is " Thruth " and " Women protect ".
    This name is the litle of books " Alicia in the country of beatifull " the writer Lewis Carroll.

    Thanks for you read this message with the meaning of my name, Alicia !

  16. My parents called me Marta because they liked, they had clearly this name for me, thought another option. This name is of Hebrew origin, Marta means "Lady".
    Marta is found in the majority of countries, but with differences, in French we can also find with Marthe, in German the most correct way to write it is with an "h" interleaved, as in English. Finally, in Russian is also a fairly common name, and is known as Марта.

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  18. Hello everyone, my name is "Rafael" . My parents called me that because my maternal grandmother loved that name since she was a little girl. Although my father´s name is "Rafael" too it wans´t a main reason. "Rafael" comes from Spain but is a Hebrew´s name whose meaning is "God´s medicine".
    Im happy with my name, i think it´s nice.

  19. Hello everyone, my name is Miguel. At first my mum wanted to call me as my father Carlos. At the end my parents decided to call me Miguel because it's my godfather's name, he's my father's best friend so I like it so much because I find it so sweet. Miguel comes from Hebrew and means Who like God?

  20. Hello my name is Cristina. That's my name because my mum loved it altough my father wanted to call me Victoria but after all my mum won. Cristina comes from latin and it means Belong to Christ.

  21. Hello, my name is Lourdes. My parents decides to name my Lourdes because my mother liked that name so my father accept it. Lourdes comes for french.

  22. Lorena Duque
    My name from the frech and in english it is means" woman native of Lorraine".
    My parent were looking for a name unusual in my town. My mother had two name options: Lourdes or Lorena, but my father just liked Lorena.

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  24. My parents didn't want to name as any member of the family.
    They chose between Virginia and Marina, but they chose Virginia because isn't comun.

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  26. I was name Yohana because my mother liked the name very much but she does not remember how she found out it.
    This name is Hebrew origin and it has lots of meaning.
    People who call Yohana may originate from any country in the world.

  27. My name is Soraya because my father and my grandmother loved it, my mother also liked it so they decided to put it to me. Soraya is of Persian origin and means "star" or "princess".

  28. hello, my name is Rodrigo and the reason why i have this name is my mother, she wanted that name for me and she didn´t hear anyone opinion. The origin of my name is Germanic and means "rico en fama"; this name is very common in Spanish speacking countries.

  29. Good morning!
    My name is Víctor because my father and my grandfather called Vicente and his meaning is same to my name. My parents thought that this name was very special for me because his meaning is "Vencedor". The also thought others names who Emiliano for my other grandfather.

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  31. Mario Sánchez de Arriba

    Good morning, the story of my name is the following:
    Weeks before I was born, my parents met with my grandparents and were discussing the name I would take. after several nominations proposed the most liked Mario and with him I stay

  32. My parents decided to call me Lorena, because they had made a list each with the names that they liked the most, and the name that liked them both was Lorena.
    The origin of my name is French and its meaning comes from Lorraine (region of France).

  33. Hi, I'm Álvaro Martín and you can know the history of my name below:
    Álvaro has some origins and, all of them, are foreign. The most famous is the nordic origin, Hallvarðr, where "Hall" means rock and "varðr" means guard.
    How did this name come to me? Easy. When my sister was a little girl, she liked a guy named Álvaro, so when my parents asked her what name she wanted to put on his brother, she answered Álvaro.

  34. Hello, my name is Rocio and my mother decided to call me that because she went to visit the virgin Rocio and promised that if she had a daughter again she would call her like her.
    This name is of Andalusian origin and means "that which is refreshing and youthful like the dew"

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  36. Hello, my name is Javier. My parents called me that because they liked that name, but the day coincided with "my saint's day. My parents said that they didn´t know it.
    The people of their village asked the reason of the name.
    I think that my parent didn´t now it because my saint´s day is "Francisco Javier", and my name is only "Javier".

  37. Hi, my name is Vanessa. my brother chose this name because he was saying that Vanessa is a beautifull name for a cute girl.
    The meaning of Vanessa is butterfly, this name doesn't have old meanings but it's a name created by the author Jonathan Swift to speak about his pupils.

  38. My name is Jorge and has the Greek origin "Geo-Ergon". They gave me this name because my mother liked it, since it is one of the names that has a party of its own on St. George's Day.


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