http://morepracticeinenglish.blogspot.com/2012/03/too-much-too-many-enough-too.html Too and Enough https://www.myenglishpages.com/site_php_files/grammar-lesson-too-enough.php Too and enough indicate degree. They modify adjectives , adverbs , and nouns . Too means more than what is needed. Enough means sufficient. Examples He is too old to play football with the kids. Dave is intelligent enough to do the write thing. You're not working fast enough I don't have enough time . He has too many friends . She has got too much patience Use of too and enough 1. Enough comes after adjectives and adverbs: ADJECTIVE + ENOUGH or ADVERB + ENOUGH Examples: He isn't old enough to watch this program. We're not walking quickly enough . 2. Enough may also precede nouns: ENOUGH + NOUN Examples: We have enough money . I have not got enough money to buy this computer. 3. Too comes before adjectives and adverbs: TOO + ADJECTIVES or...